Analysis of the risk factors of gender-based violence and resilence strategies of women in Lamu, Kenya

  1. Fernández Quiroga, Ana 1
  2. Cárdenas Rodríguez, Rocío 1
  3. Terrón-Caro, Teresa 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla (España)
iQual: revista de género e igualdad

ISSN: 2603-851X

Any de publicació: 2023

Número: 6

Pàgines: 93-117

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.6018/IQUAL.541261 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDIGITUM editor

Altres publicacions en: iQual: revista de género e igualdad

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According to the World Health Organization (2018), gender-based violence is a global phenomenon that affects more than a quarter of women around the world. Despite the promulgation of a multitude of regulations against gender-based violence, it is estimated that more than 40% of women who suffer violence do not report it (ONU, 1979, 2017; Unión Africana, 2005). This study aims to identify and encourage strategies to counter gender-based violence in Indigenous women od Lamu, Kenya. In this work, we adopt the social justice perspective developed by Young (1990) to ask how the gender-based violence legislative reforms of the last few years in Kenya have affected indigenous women, what resilience strategies they have developed, and whether these strategies could be integrated into institutional actions. To this end, a field study was developed in Lamu (Kenya), where we conducted in-depth interviews with indigenous women and key agents. We concluded by establishing a relationship between the lack of female participation and the barriers that still exist in gender-based violence administration that silence and revictimize indigenous women (Maqueda, 2008). We also emphasize the importance of rejecting the passive image of women and incorporating the resilience strategies they have developed in education and work (Salvador, 2015; Piotti, 2015; Hambry, 2005).

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