Managing relationships between tourism companies and their suppliersan approach beyond classical variables
- Beatriz Moliner-Velázquez 1
- Maria Fuentes-Blasco 2
- Irene Gil-Saura 1
- 1 Economy Faculty, Valencia, Spain
- 2 Business Management and Marketing, Sevilla, Spain Department,
ISSN: 2444-8834
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 29
Issue: 1
Pages: 22-29
Type: Article
More publications in: European Research on Management and Business Economics
This paper addresses the study of the antecedents and consequences of satisfaction of a company with its main supplier from different variables highlighted in the literature. Specifically, the objective is to analyse the effect of trust, commitment and switching costs on satisfaction, as well as the effect of this satisfaction on co-creation of value, continuity of the relationship and Information and Communication Technology coordination. To achieve this goal, a structural equation model was estimated with a sample of 256 tourist agencies. The results confirm the proposed relationships to explain the satisfaction process. The trust of the tourism company with its main supplier is the main antecedent of satisfaction with the relationship. The satisfaction of the tourism company with its supplier contributes to the co-creation of value and improves Information and Communication Technology coordination. Interesting theoretical implications and for management of relationships between companies are shown.
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