Revisión de la literatura científica sobre turismo en la provincia de Córdoba (España) en el periodo 2013-2022

  1. Tomás López-Guzmán
  2. Manuel Rivera Mateos
  3. Rocío Arteaga Sánchez
  4. José Enrique Ramos Ruiz
El turismo en Córdoba: visiones, retos y perspectivas en el escenario post-covid
  1. Manuel Rivera Mateos (dir.)
  2. Rocío Muñoz Benito (dir.)

Éditorial: Thomson Reuters-Civitas

ISBN: 978-84-1125-617-9

Année de publication: 2022

Pages: 29-50

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage


The review of the scientific literature in a given field or geographical area makes it possible to synthesise and organise the different research in a specific period of time. This review of the scientific literature permits to lay the foundations for future research. This study presents a review of the scientific literature published on tourism in the province of Cordoba in the last ten years, which allows to identify the existing theoretical framework. The qualitative analysis has been conducted using seven databases (WoS, Scopus, Science Direct, Dialnet, Google Scholar, Teseo and the Repository of the University of Cordoba) and focuses exclusively on doctoral theses defended in this period and on articles published in scientific journals until 2022. This review identifies and refers 10 doctoral theses defended and 101 papers published. The documentation collected has been arranged into nine different lines of research (tourism and tangible heritage, tourism and intangible heritage, food tourism, wine and olive oil tourism, language tourism, rural tourism, collaborative tourism, tourism and flamenco, and other research). This scientific study shows the main lines of research in the field of tourism conducted in the province of Cordoba, the basic characteristics of this research and recommendations for future lines of research, based on fields not yet performed in the province of Cordoba.