Disciplinamiento sexualcazando brujas y ciberfeministas

  1. Hanash Martínez, Macarena
Investigación y Género. Reflexiones desde la investigación para avanzar en igualdad: VII Congreso Universitario Internacional Investigación y Género : Sevilla, 28 y 29 de Junio de 2018
  1. Isabel Vázquez Bermúdez (coord.)
  2. María Jesús Cala Carrillo (coord.)
  3. Ana Guil Bozal (coord.)
  4. Carmen García Gil (coord.)
  5. Rocío Martínez Torres (coord.)
  6. Consuelo Flecha García (coord.)

Verlag: SIEMUS (Seminario Interdisciplinar de Estudios de las Mujeres) ; Universidad de Sevilla

ISBN: 978-84-948975-3-5

Datum der Publikation: 2018

Seiten: 339-350

Art: Buch-Kapitel


The aim of this paper is to analyze the phenomenon of online violence against women who display an explicitly feminist presence in the virtual space. In order to report the strategies of sexual discipline to which women are subjected, we relate the witch hunt of the 16th and 17th centuries, with the phenomenon of cyberharassment, a rising form of cyberviolence. We approach our object of study from a qualitative research method, through an nethnographic study of the manosphere –a set of antifeminist websites–, of its members, and their harassment techniques; as well as the cases of cyberharassment against Zoë Quinn and Anita Sarkeesian, both framed in the Gamergate movement. Our final results show that digital mechanisms of discipline –threats of physical and/or sexual violence, and the appropriation without consent of the female body– have as a consequence the submersion of feminists in a state of hypervigilance, self-control and self-censorship.