La producción de la renta en la esfera de la encomienda(El pueblo de Iguaque, del Nuevo Reino de Granada, en la fase de tránsito)

  1. Heraclio Bonilla
Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura

ISSN: 0120-2456 2256-5647

Year of publication: 2004

Issue: 31

Pages: 45-73

Type: Article

More publications in: Anuario Colombiano de Historia Social y de la Cultura


This article is an analysis of the encomienda as an economic institution. Taking the example of Iguaque, an indian repartimiento near to the Villa de Leyva during the sixteenth century, the author explores the mechanism of surplus production by the native population, which was immediately converted into tribute, or rent, paid to the encomenderos of Iguaque. The research was based on the Visitas records implemented by the colonial authorities in 1572, 1576, and 1595, in order to be informed about the current Indian conditions and the nature of the relationship established between Indians and Spaniards. Bonilla ́s article concludes showing the basic demographic characteristics of the Iguaque ́s population.