«Hay niñas con pene y niños con vulva». Asociaciones de familias con hijos e hijas trans:vanzando hacia nuevas maneras de comprender la transgeneridad
- Ana Belén Castaño Gómez 1
- Rafael Cáceres Feria 1
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 1578-9705
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 18
Issue: 1
Pages: 139-160
Type: Article
More publications in: AIBR: Revista de Antropología Iberoamericana
Until relatively recently, transgenderism was a category of gender reserved exclusively for adolescence and adulthood. Running parallel to the growing visibility of trans* children, more and more associations are being set up by the families of these children. This article examines how families cope with their child’s experiences when they do not identify with the gender assigned to them at birth. This begs the question of why families form specific associations for transgenderism in childhood, how they emerge, and how they understand and explain transgenderism. This article presents a qualitative study, analyzing the official discourses, as well as the narratives of families with trans children involved in Chrysallis, the main Spanish association for trans children. By joining associations, families find a solution to the vulnerability they face resulting from a lack of information and references. We see that they are indeed generating a new way of understanding transgenderism. In these explanations and arguments used, we see how the concept of gender is being conceptualized differently to the way it has been up until now.
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