Un análisis del estado del turismo en Córdoba tras los efectos de la pandemia Covid-19 desde la opinión y percepciones de la oferta empresarial

  1. Ricardo David Hernandez-Rojas 1
  2. Virginia Navajas Romero 1
  3. Manuel Rivera Mateos 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Córdoba

    Universidad de Córdoba

    Córdoba, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05yc77b46

El turismo en Córdoba: escenarios, tendencias y perspectivas : libro homenaje a los profesores José María Manjavacas Ruiz y Martín Torres Márquez (in memoriam)
  1. Rivera Mateos, Manuel (dir.)
  2. Manjavacas Ruiz, José María (hom.)
  3. Torres Márquez, Martín (hom.)

Publisher: UCOPress ; Universidad de Córdoba

ISBN: 978-84-9927-601-4

Year of publication: 2021

Pages: 21-36

Type: Book chapter


is work analyzes the opinions and perceptions of the tourist companies of Córdobaabout their problems and conditions after forced connement as a result of the Declaration ofthe State of Alarm in Royal Decree 463/2020, of March 14, by COVID-19 , No. 67, of March14, 2020), also shows data on the prospect of recovery after this period of connement. e impact of this pandemic has been particularly negative in mature urban-heritage tourism and sunand beach destinations, at least in comparison with rural and nature tourism destinations, and,in this sense, the city of Córdoba has not it has been an exception in relation to the province,although to date no studies have been carried out on its tourist situation from the point of viewof business oerings. e data were obtained from a survey of 280 companies and professionalsin Córdoba and the province of practically all subsectors of tourism activity. e results showedthat there has been a signicant loss of employment as a result of the sharp decrease in visits andovernight stays. e work has also served to show the concerns of the business community as wellas to nd out what their needs are in terms of actions to be undertaken to face the recovery. eresults of this study will also serve as help and guidance to the competent public administrationsin the eld of tourism and to the private sector itself in order to propose strategies for public-private collaboration that strengthen the resilience and response capacity of the destination in theface of a major crisis. proportions like this.