Comerciantes, censores y bibliotecascirculación del libro entre España y Nueva Granada en el siglo XVIII

  1. Alberto José Campillo Pardo

Publisher: Pontificia Universidad Javeriana ; Universidad del Rosario ; Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana

ISBN: 9789585000872 9789585000865

Year of publication: 2023

Type: Book


In a thorough analysis of the circulation of books between Spain and New Granada in the eighteenth century, the mechanisms of control of trade and ideas are examined through a documentary reconstruction of the processes of censorship and inquisitorial control. Likewise, the book trade network between these territories is studied, answering the questions of who was behind it, with whom they were related and how they developed within this network. Finally, to understand the cultural climate and the ideas that circulated in this territory, several libraries and books that traveled to New Granada in the eighteenth century and belonged to religious institutions, civil authorities and private individuals were investigated in detail.