Análisis histórico-jurídico del delito de sedición en la España del siglo XIX

  1. María José Collantes de Terán de la Hera
Millars: Espai i historia

ISSN: 1132-9823

Year of publication: 2023

Issue Title: Conflicto, sociedad y derecho en España (SS. XVIII-XX)

Volume: 54

Issue: 1

Pages: 71-94

Type: Article

More publications in: Millars: Espai i historia


The offence of sedition was currently in the sights of jurists and politicians, until it was finally removed from the Penal Code. Until that moment, its regulation was largely a result of its nineteenth-century origins and the fact that it was treated as a form of rebellion with less serious consequences. If we look into its legal development, since the first penal codes, and into the questions raised by the jurists who studied them, we may be in a position to discern whether the assertions that are made today about this crime correspond to reality or are more the result of short-term political expediency. What is certain is that we are dealing with one of the subjects which most clearly demonstrates the usefulness of studying our legal past.