Evolución del Perfil de los Políticos Andaluces en 40 años de Autonomía Regional (1982-2022)

  1. Andrés Benítez
  2. Beatriz Carrasco
Anduli: revista andaluza de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 1696-0270 2340-4973

Datum der Publikation: 2023

Nummer: 24

Seiten: 103-121

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Anduli: revista andaluza de ciencias sociales


This article images the social profile of Andalusian political representatives with the aim of providing an answer to what they are like and how their socio-demographic profile has evolved from 1982 to 2022. The methodology applies statistical analysis to the BAPOLDATA database, which includes all the people who have occupied a seat in the Congress of Deputies and in the 17 autonomous chambers since the constituent legislature. A comparison is also made of the profiles of those parliamentarians who have held a seat in the Andalusian Parliament and of those who have held a seat in the Congress of Deputies for the Andalusian constituencies, showing that the Andalusian Parliament is currently older, with a higher level of education and a female representation of around 50%. In terms of professions, manual workers have practically disappeared, and teachers and lawyers have come to predominate

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