Las armas nucleares tácticashistoria, estado de la cuestión, armamentos, y estrategias de los principales Estados nucleares

  1. Dmitri Sergueyevich Amirov Belova
Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos

ISSN: 2255-3479

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 17

Pages: 209-250

Type: Article

More publications in: Revista del Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos


rom the early days of the US-Soviet nuclear arms race to the present day, Tactical Nuclear Weapons (TNW) have been a source of concern and analysis by academics and experts. However, the unquestionable opacity from the possessor States and theoretical doubts about their very existence as ‘tactics’ make this a particularly complicated and obscure polemological subject. This article traces the history of TNW during its three nuclear eras (1950s-1980s, 1990s-mid-2010s, and the present), establishes its theoretical state of art, the amount and type of tactical nuclear armaments of various countries (some of them de facto nuclear states), and finally, sets out the challenges and possible trends in the near future.

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