La celebración de la Semana Santa en el sur de Córdobala pervivencia de la fiesta barroca en la Ruta Caminos de Pasión

  1. Salvador Hernández González
La fiesta y sus lenguajes
  1. Francisco Ollero Lobaro (ed. lit.)
  2. José Jaime García Bernal (ed. lit.)

Publisher: Universidad de Huelva

ISBN: 9788418628276 978-84-18628-26-9

Year of publication: 2021

Pages: 445-470

Type: Book chapter


Passionist performances are born from the desire to relive the scenes of the main festivals of the liturgical cycle dedicated to the Lord and are linked to late medieval theater. In Andalusia, where there were samples of these dramatizations in the Baroque period, they have been almost totally lost in the demarcation of the Archbishopric of Seville, but in the Bishoprics of Córdoba and Jaén a wide cast has been preserved in the form of proclamations, arrests, encounters, blessings, mandates, passion cars, sermons of the passage, holy dinners, lavatory, descents and little races, in which Jews, Romans, executioners, holy women, biblical figures, and also images participate.