Hacia una mejor delimitación conceptual del punitivismoEvidencias del diseño y aplicación de una escala
ISSN: 1696-7348
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Zenbakia: 99
Orrialdeak: 8-25
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Aposta: Revista de ciencias sociales
This article shows the process of designing and validating a scale of punitiveness based on data from the 9th wave of the Citizen Panel on Social Research in Andalusia (PACIS, in Spanish), a survey implemented by the Advanced Social Studies Insitute (IESA- CSIC), in 2019. This scale builds on a great deal of the theoretical complexity and the methdologial diversity found in the literature on punitiveness. The work presented here shows the existence of three modes of punitiveness: general acceptance (demanding more punishment for all crimes and criminals), specific acceptance (demanding more punishment for specific crimes) and specific preference (choosing more severe punishments over more lenient alternatives in relation to concrete crimes and conditions). This finding presses researchers to treat cognitive factors such as specificity of crimes or contexts and availability of choices as related to the very concept of punitiveness rather than mere operationalization issues, as has usually been the case.
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