Pautas inclusivas para el alumnado con trastorno espectro autista en educación física

  1. Murillo Martín, Jesús 1
  2. Morilla Pineda, Sergio 2
  3. Rodríguez Bies, Elísabet 3
  4. Cenizo Benjumea, José Manuel 3
  1. 1 Graduado en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Sevilla (España)
  2. 2 Inspector de Educación. Sevilla (España)
  3. 3 Profesor, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, España
EmásF: revista digital de educación física

ISSN: 1989-8304

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 85

Pages: 53-80

Type: Article

More publications in: EmásF: revista digital de educación física


Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder present difficulties in social interaction that interfere in the practice of physical-sports activities, resulting in a lower participation in Physical Education. To this must be added the lack of teacher training to provide them with the appropriate tools for their inclusion. Faced with this problem, and given the scarcity of inclusive programs, the aim of this study was to develop inclusive guidelines for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder of dimensional category grade 1 (DSM-5) in Physical Education in Primary and Secondary, taking into account both the definition of students with special educational needs in the LOE, with the modifications implemented by the LOMLOE, and the possible measures that can be taken to favor the teaching and learning process of these students, according to the applicable state and regional regulations. For this, we started from the six principles of inclusion of Huguet (2014) and taking into account their characteristics and educational needs. It is proposed: that teachers analyze individual characteristics and use methodological strategies that help them to socialize in order to develop their competencies without making relevant changes in the programming in terms of learning objectives and knowledge; sensitizing motor games as a resource to encourage positive and supportive attitudes; constant recognition to give them greater confidence, structured environments and anticipation in novel situations through the visual agenda and monitoring the duration of the tasks so that they do not lose their interest; the student guide and a close relationship with families; the pictogram and ICT to develop communication; inclusive methods that benefit their participation in the team; including individual and collective physical-sports activities, but designed in a cooperative way to help them develop social skills and share positive experiences.

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