Dispositivos electrónicos, APPS, Códigos QR, RRSS… La digitalización del senderismo. El caso de Andalucía.

  1. Antonio Vidal-Matzanke
  2. Jorge Terrades-Daroqui
  3. David Moscoso-Sánchez
Sociología del deporte

ISSN: 2695-883X

Year of publication: 2023

Issue Title: Desigualdades de género y violencias sexuales en el fútbol y en el deporte en España.

Volume: 4

Issue: 2

Type: Article

DOI: 10.46661/SOCIOLDEPORTE.9374 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openOpen access editor

More publications in: Sociología del deporte


Hiking has experienced a remarkable growth in Spain in the last decades, and Andalusia has not been an exception, since in the last 5 years the num-ber of hikers has increased by 140.44%. There are several reasons for this growth, such as rural development policies, protection of natural areas and rural tourism initiatives, which have attracted new visitors, with hiking being one of the most popular activities during the tourist stay. Another phenom-enon that has greatly helped the growth of hiking has been digitalisation, the use of electronic devices, applications, such as mobiles, smart watches, GPS and social networks, which have influenced the mass dissemination of this activity. The Survey of Sports Habits in Andalusia 2022 revealed that 51% of hikers use electronic devices during their practice. An in-depth study of this survey provides very interesting results, among others, digitalisation has transformed the way in which hikers enjoy this activity, the reasons for its use, the way of meeting with other hikers or the social activities that are generated after the activity

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