Study on the digital teaching competences of students in the Master's in Education programs at the Escola Superior de Educação do Politécnico do Porto

  1. Cristóbal Torres Fernández 1
  2. Paula Quadros-Flores 2
  1. 1 Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

    Universidad Internacional de La Rioja

    Logroño, España


  2. 2 Centre for Research and Innovation in Education (InEd), School of Education, Polytechnic Institute
New trends and research on digital education, technopedagogy and curriculum
  1. Torres Fernández, Cristóbal (coord.)
  2. Quadros Flores, Paula (coord.)
  3. Puig Guisado, Jaime (coord.)
  4. Serna Tuya, Juan Moisés de la (coord.)

Éditorial: Dykinson

ISBN: 978-84-1170-659-9

Année de publication: 2023

Pages: 7-26

Type: Chapitre d'ouvrage