Estética y Dominación: El Impacto de Schopenhauer y Nietzsche en la desvalorización estética de la Mujer en el Siglo XXResucitando a la Empusa.
ISSN: 2386-8708
Año de publicación: 2023
Título del ejemplar: Investigaciones feministas desde la práctica reflexiva
Número: 10
Páginas: 118-139
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Ambigua: revista de investigaciones sobre género y estudios culturales
The thought of Nietzsche and Schopenhauer would be decisive in the design of a new female stereotype, linked to a particularly exaggerated idea of the evil woman, which would end up populating, through artistic and literary bohemianism, the aesthetic imaginary of the twentieth century. Their philosophy would serve as a binding force for many writers and artists and would have a decisive influence on the spiritual state of their time. A new, more degraded and belittling image of women emerged, which now represented not the masculine fear of the feminine - a constant in history - but the horror of that non explored feminine other who violates the limits that patriarchal morality and culture have assigned to her.
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