La democracia anacrónica debe mirar los microcosmosdemocracias versus arcadecracias
- Juan Guillermo Estay Sepúlveda 1
- Juan Mansilla Sepúlveda 1
- Mario Lagomarsino Montoya 1
- 1 Universidad Católica de Temuco (Chile)
ISSN: 0717-036X, 0719-4404
Argitalpen urtea: 2022
Zenbakia: 28
Orrialdeak: 93-107
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Notas históricas y geográficas
The democracy of the Third Millennium is in debate about following the model of universal suffrage as a validation of the sovereignty of the population or its original substrate: which is to make oneself felt under all its forms of passive and active communication. However, this rejuvenated democracy is attacked by a new form of domination by the tools of neoliberalism, such as the game and fun, not in the desire for leisure and distraction, but as a new opium for the people, through the creation of a true and dangerous arcadecracy