Islam y Arte. El simbolismo del templo microcósmico en la maqsura califal de al-Hakam II

  1. Belén Cuenca Abellán 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pablo de Olavide (Sevilla)
Imago crítica: Revista de antropología, comunicación y estudios culturales

ISSN: 2013-2859

Year of publication: 2023

Issue: 9

Pages: 283-323

Type: Article

More publications in: Imago crítica: Revista de antropología, comunicación y estudios culturales


In this article we will delve into the aesthetic and symbolic links offered by the al-Hakam II ́s maqsura -10th century- with the structure of the microcosmic temple. This model of temple was developed in the Mediterranean due to the different ways of understanding the concept of the sacred, in an abstract sense, in the period of Late Antiquity. The most illustrative example of the microcosmic temple is Hagia Sophia in Constantinople. But here we are interested how this way of understanding the cult space, associated with the Christian world, could fit into an Islamic context such as the Umayyad Córdoba of the 10th century. Based on previous research carried out by Ruiz Souza, Dodds, Ewert or Calvo Capilla on al-Hakam II ́s maqsura, an exhaustive work of analysis of the late ancient religious architecture has been carried out in order to compare it with the new Islamic places of worship, specifically, from the Umayyad period. As a result, important visual parallels have been found, better known, but also symbolic, which lead us to think that al-Hakam II recovered in his enlargement of the Mosque of Córdoba a whole series of iconographic elements that related this space to the microcosmic temple. In this way, the second caliph of al-Andalus legitimized his power linked with the Eastern Roman emperors and with the monarchs of the West.

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