Coping strategies for dealing with gender norms that negatively impact women’s mental healthAn evaluation of a group intervention

  1. Iáñez-Domínguez, Antonio
  2. Morales-Marente, Elena
  3. Palacios-Gálvez, Marisol
Alternativas: Cuadernos de Trabajo Social

ISSN: 1133-0473 1989-9971

Datum der Publikation: 2024

Nummer: 31

Seiten: 214-236

Art: Artikel

DOI: 10.14198/ALTERN.24318 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

Andere Publikationen in: Alternativas: Cuadernos de Trabajo Social


Introduction. Somatic symptoms with no organic cause are more prevalent among women than among men, with mental health problems generated by gender and social norms mainly being presented by females, to which the health system tends to provide an exclusively medicalised response. It is possible to implement group interventions that address the consequences of divergent socialisation hinging on gender as regards mental health, with these efforts having a positive impact on perceptions of well-being. The aim of this paper is to assess the impact of socio-educational groups on the participants, using a qualitative methodology. Methodology. We conducted ten semi-structured interviews with participants in the socio-educational groups. Sample selection was intentional, selecting ten participants on the basis of the following variables: age, level of education, marital status, employment status, income level, and the size of the municipality in which they resided. This theoretical sampling technique allowed us to guarantee the heterogeneity of the participants and their discourse. To analyse the information, we applied a phenomenological and critical approach, and conducted a process of thematic analysis. Results. Well-being is the main theme that emerges from the analysis of the information, grouping together different sub-themes and properties. In the female participants discourse we noted that socio-educational groups helped them approach their lives differently, allowing them to feel better on the personal and relational levels. The coping mechanisms observed included problem-focused (questioning, gender awareness, acting on the problem, self-determination, social relations and integration into the labour market) and emotion-focused strategies (relativisation, acceptance and living in the present, relaxation techniques and emotional expression). Discussion. This study contributes to an understanding of how socio-educational groups offered a good strategy to improve participants’ mental health and perceived wellbeing by applying group work with a gender perspective. They provided a forum in which the participants became gender-aware, leading them to reconsider themselves and their lives, find new explanations for their experiences, and realise their ability to develop their creativity in the face of guilt and fear, allowing them to pursue new life projects. Conclusions. The results are consistent with the literature, which indicates the existence of gender norms adversely affecting participants’ mental health problems. These problems could be reduced through work undertaken in socio-educational groups that enables them to develop new coping strategies. The implications for social policies include evaluating the potential of incorporating this type of strategy into the portfolio of public health services, as well as assessing the relevance of creating and carrying out socio-educational groups with men. With a view to the future, it would be valuable to establish qualitative measures over time to observe any changes in the participants’ discourse and experiences.

Informationen zur Finanzierung

This work was funded through the Call for grants for Biomedical and Health Sciences Research, Development and Innovation for 2016, issued by the Secretaría General de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación en Salud [General Secretariat of Research, Development and Innovation in Health], of the Consejería de Salud de la Junta de Andalucía [Ministry of Health of the Regional Government of Andalusia], which grants subsidies for the financing of Research. In this case it funded the project «Análisis del impacto de los Grupos Socioeducativos de Atención Primaria (GRUSE) en la salud mental de las mujeres y en el Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía» [Analysis of the impact of Primary Care Socio-educational Groups (GRUSE) on women’s mental health and the Andalusian Public Health System] (N.º file: PS-0088-2016).

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