Sectors of Roman Circus in Tarragona

  1. Macias Solé, Josep Maria 1
  2. Puche Fontanilles, Josep Maria 1
  3. Solà-Morales Serra, Pau 2
  4. Toldrà Domingo, Josep Maria 2
  5. Fernández Pino, Iván 2
  6. Ferré Bolta, Anna 2
  7. Andreu Aguadé, Josuè 2
  1. 1 (Institut Català d’Arqueologia Clàssica)
  2. 2 (Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Escola Tècnica Superior d'Arquitectura)

Editor: CORA.Repositori de Dades de Recerca

Ano de publicación: 2023

Tipo: Dataset


This vector planimetry document in DXF format provides a comprehensive view of the different known sectors of the Roman Circus in Tarragona, with the exception of its head. It includes plans, sections, and elevations of the Torre del Pretori, the vaults of the Baixada de la Misericordia, the Cedassos Square, and the Antiga Audiencia. All elements are precisely referenced to the current city plan of Tarragona, offering a detailed and accurate representation of each sector for research and analysis purposes. The vector format allows for easy manipulation and editing of the planimetry document as needed.