Integrative effects of increasing aridity and biotic cover on soil attributes and functioning in coastal dune ecosystems

  1. Alonso, María José Fernández
  2. Rodríguez, Alexandra
  3. García-Velázquez, Laura
  4. Santos, Everaldo Dos
  5. Almeida, Luciana De
  6. Lafuente, Angela
  7. Singh, Brajesh K.
  8. Wang, Jun-Tao
  9. Durán, Jorge

Argitaratzaile: figshare

Argitalpen urtea: 2021

Mota: Dataset


These databases and metadata correspond to a field experiment performed in 2016 in the Atlantic coastline of the Iberian Peninsula. The experimental design followed a standardized sampling protocol. We collected data of vegetation and soil samples. We determined soil properties, potential soil functions, soil microbial abundance and diversity.