Ideario educativo constitucional e interés del menor
Universidad de Málaga
ISSN: 1696-6937
Argitalpen urtea: 2023
Zenbakia: 23
Orrialdeak: 53-86
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Laicidad y libertades: escritos jurídicos
The thesis that we sustain in this work is that the constitutional educational values should be identified with the best interest of the child, which refers to the free development of the child´s personality and takes the form of the child´s exercise of fundamental rights. The identification of those constitu- tional values with the best interests of minors allows for a better under- standing of the role those values play in the educational system and shows that the transmission of those values, in a cross-cutting manner in the differ- ent subjects or with a specific subject, does not imply an undermining of the neutrality of the State and the educational pluralism. Thus, Article 27.2 of the Spanish Constitution would come to recognise, together with the con- stitutional ideology, the best interests of the minor as they imply the right to receive an education in the terms prescribed therein; that is to say, an edu- cation that allows the development of the personality within the framework of respect for the democratic principles of coexistence and fundamental rights.