Publikationen (14) Publikationen von José Luis Gasch Tomás


  1. Can We Identify the Ship Through a Multidisciplinary Approach? The Case of the Ribadeo 1 Wreck (c. 1597)

    Heritage and the Sea: Maritime History and Archaeology of the Global Iberian World (15th–18th centuries): Volume 2 (Springer International Publishing), pp. 97-117

  2. The Manila Galleons in Perspective. Notes on the History and Archaeology of the Transpacific Trade

    Heritage and the Sea: Maritime History and Archaeology of the Global Iberian World (15th–18th centuries): Volume 2 (Springer International Publishing), pp. 235-248


  1. Elites, women and Chinese porcelain in New Spain and in Andalusia, Circa 1600: A global history

    American Globalization, 1492-1850: Trans-Cultural Consumption in Spanish Latin America (Taylor and Francis Inc.), pp. 225-244

  2. Reseña de Commentary to Tatiana Seijas’ review of The Atlantic World and the Manila Galleons: Circulation, Market, and Consumption of Asian Goods in the Spanish Empire rez.

    Espacio, tiempo y forma. Serie IV, Historia moderna, Núm. 34, pp. 529-532


  1. Los imperios ibéricos y la globalización de Europa (siglos XV a XVII), de Bartolomé Yun Casalilla

    Nuestra Historia: revista de Historia de la FIM, Núm. 10, pp. 177-181


  1. Historia del pueblo gitano en España, de David Martín Sánchez

    Nuestra Historia: revista de Historia de la FIM, Núm. 8, pp. 172-175

  2. Imperial economies

    The Iberian World: 1450-1820 (Taylor and Francis), pp. 431-448

  3. Imperial economies

    The Iberian world, 1450-1820 (Routledge Reino Unido), pp. 431-448

  4. The Atlantic World and the Manila Galleons: Circulation, Market, and Consumption of Asian Goods in the Spanish Empire, 1565- 1650

    Atlantic World, Vol. 37, pp. 1-275


  1. 6 Agents of globalisation: an approximation to Santi Federighi´s commercial network, c. 1620 - 1643

    Merchants and trade networks in the Atlantic and the Mediterranean, 1550-1800: connectors of commercial maritime systems (Routledge Reino Unido), pp. 130-144

  2. Global Indios: The Indigenous Struggle for Justice in Sixteenth-Century Spain, de Nancy E. Van Deusen

    Nuestra Historia: revista de Historia de la FIM, Núm. 4, pp. 183-186

  3. La lucha por la desigualdad. Una historia del mundo occidental en el siglo XVIII , de Gonzalo Pontón

    Nuestra Historia: revista de Historia de la FIM, Núm. 4, pp. 180-182

  4. Los cambios climáticos. La Pequeña Edad del Hielo en España, de Armando Alberola Romá

    Nuestra Historia: revista de Historia de la FIM, Núm. 3, pp. 236-238

  5. The discourse regarding the chinese and muslim worlds in the hispanic empire (New Spain and Castile, c.1550-1630)

    The Dialectics of Orientalism in Early Modern Europe (Palgrave Macmillan Ltd.), pp. 69-84