Francisco Jose
García García

Universidad de Sevilla
Sevilla, EspañaPublications in collaboration with researchers from Universidad de Sevilla (34)
Facilitation of macrofaunal assemblages in marinas by the habitat-forming invader Amathia verticillata (Bryozoa: Gymnolaemata) across a spatiotemporal scale
Marine Environmental Research, Vol. 193
Diversity, community structure and habitat use of molluscs in marinas from the Iberian Peninsula and Northern Africa
Ocean and Coastal Management, Vol. 212
Assessment the short-term effects of wrack removal on supralittoral arthropods using the M-BACI design on Atlantic sandy beaches of Brazil and Spain
Marine Environmental Research, Vol. 119, pp. 222-237
Colonisation patterns of supralittoral arthropods in naturally stranded wrack debris on Atlantic sandy beaches of Brazil and Spain
Marine and Freshwater Research, Vol. 67, Núm. 11, pp. 1634-1643
Wrack Removal as Short-Term Disturbance for Talitrus Saltator Density in the Supratidal Zone of Sandy Beaches: an Experimental Approach
Estuaries and Coasts, Vol. 39, Núm. 4, pp. 1113-1121
Distribution patterns of supralittoral arthropods: wrack deposits as a source of food and refuge on exposed sandy beaches (SW Spain)
Hydrobiologia, Vol. 742, Núm. 1, pp. 205-219
Does the gathering of shellfish affect the behavior of gastropod scavengers on sandy beaches? A field experiment
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, Vol. 467, pp. 1-6
Human Pressure on Sandy Beaches: Implications for Trophic Functioning
Estuaries and Coasts, Vol. 38, Núm. 5, pp. 1782-1796
Response of intertidal sandy-beach macrofauna to human trampling: An urban vs. natural beach system approach
Marine Environmental Research, Vol. 103, pp. 36-45
The role of wrack deposits for supralittoral arthropods: An example using Atlantic sandy beaches of Brazil and Spain
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 136, pp. 61-71
Males and females gonad fatty acids of the sea urchins Paracentrotus lividus and Arbacia lixula (Echinodermata)
Helgoland Marine Research, Vol. 64, Núm. 2, pp. 135-142
The effect of seasonality on gonad fatty acids of the sea urchins paracentrotus lividus and arbacia lixula (echinodermata: Echinoidea)
Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 29, Núm. 2, pp. 517-525
A new species of Hoplodoris Bergh, 1880 (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia: Nudibranchia) from the Atlantic Ocean
Nautilus, Vol. 120, Núm. 4, pp. 150-155
Some aspects of the reproductive biology of two Atlantic species of Polycera (Mollusca: Opisthobranchia)
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Vol. 86, Núm. 2, pp. 391-399
Fatty acid composition and utilization in developing eggs of some marine nudibranchs (Mollusca: Gastropoda: Opistobranchia) from Southwest Spain
Journal of Shellfish Research, Vol. 24, Núm. 4, pp. 1209-1216
A new species of the genus Anetarca Gosliner, 1991 (Gastropoda: Opistobranchia: Facelinidae) from the western Atlantic Ocean
Nautilus, Vol. 118, Núm. 4, pp. 139-143
Gonadal growth and reproduction in the commercial sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck, 1816) (Echinodermata: Echinoidea) from southern Spain
Hydrobiologia, Vol. 519, Núm. 1-3, pp. 61-72
Two new species of Leptochiton Gray, 1847 (Polyplacophora) from the Iberian Peninsula (eastern Atlantic coast)
Nautilus, Vol. 118, Núm. 4, pp. 144-151
Consideraciones taxonómicos y zoogeográficas del género Callochiton GRAY 1847 en la península ibérica (Polyplacophora: Ischnochitonidae)
Archiv fur Molluskenkunde, Vol. 131, Núm. 1-2, pp. 185-199
Favorinus elenalexiae, a new species (Opisthobranchia: Aeolidiidae) from the eastern Pacific Ocean
Nautilus, Vol. 115, Núm. 2, pp. 55-61