Rodríguez Rodríguez
Universidad de Granada
Granada, EspañaPublications in collaboration with researchers from Universidad de Granada (17)
Assessment of the hydrological status of Doñana dune ponds: a natural World Heritage Site under threat
Hydrological Sciences Journal, Vol. 63, Núm. 15-16, pp. 2048-2059
Unravelling aquifer-wetland interaction using CSAMT and gravity methods: The Mollina-Camorra aquifer and the Fuente de Piedra playa-lake, southern Spain
Journal of Applied Geophysics, Vol. 129, pp. 17-27
Ratosa playa lake in southern Spain. Karst pan or compound sink?
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Vol. 187, Núm. 4
Groundwater recharge in semi-arid carbonate aquifers under intensive use: The Estepa Range aquifers (Seville, southern Spain)
Environmental Earth Sciences, Vol. 70, Núm. 6, pp. 2453-2468
Water regime of playa lakes from southern Spain: Conditioning factors and hydrological modeling
Water Environment Research, Vol. 85, Núm. 7, pp. 632-642
Long-term water monitoring in two Mediterranean lagoons as an indicator of land-use changes and intense precipitation events (Adra, Southeastern Spain)
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, Vol. 91, Núm. 3, pp. 400-410
Developing hydrological indices in semi-arid playa-lakes by analyzing their main morphometric, climatic and hydrochemical characteristics
Journal of Arid Environments, Vol. 74, Núm. 11, pp. 1478-1486
Analysis of groundwater mining in two carbonate aquifers in Sierra de Estepa (SE Spain) based on hydrodynamic and hydrochemical data
Hydrogeology Journal, Vol. 17, Núm. 7, pp. 1617-1627
Characterising flow regime and interrelation between surface-water and ground-water in the Fuente de Piedra salt lake basin by means of stable isotopes, hydrogeochemical and hydraulic data
Journal of Hydrology, Vol. 351, Núm. 1-2, pp. 170-187
Definition of wetland typology for hydro-morphological elements within the WFD. A case study from Southern Spain
Water Resources Management, Vol. 22, Núm. 7, pp. 797-821
Hydrogeological characteristics of a groundwater-dependent ecosystem (La Lantejuela, Spain)
Water and Environment Journal, Vol. 22, Núm. 2, pp. 137-147
Hydro-morphological characteristics and hydrogeological functioning of a wetland system: A case study in southern Spain
Environmental Geology, Vol. 52, Núm. 7, pp. 1375-1386
Estimation of ground-water exchange with semi-arid playa lakes (Antequera region, southern Spain)
Journal of Arid Environments, Vol. 66, Núm. 2, pp. 272-289
Thermal structure and energy budget in a small high mountain lake: La Caldera, Sierra Nevada, Spain
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, Vol. 38, Núm. 5, pp. 879-894
Variaciones de salinidad en Las Albuferas de Adra (Almería).
Geogaceta, Núm. 33, pp. 11-14
Caracterización limnológica de dos lagunas saladas del sur de la península Ibérica
Limnetica, Vol. 20, Núm. 2, pp. 233-243