Publicacións (62) Publicacións de Diego Romero De Avila Torrijos


  1. Conclusions

    Contributions to Economics (Physica-Verlag), pp. 163-165

  2. Data description

    Contributions to Economics (Physica-Verlag), pp. 21-36

  3. Historical frontiers and the rise of inequality: The case of the frontier of Granada

    Journal of the European Economic Association, Vol. 15, Núm. 1, pp. 54-98

  4. Introduction

    Contributions to Economics

  5. Legal change within legal traditions and convergence

    Contributions to Economics (Physica-Verlag), pp. 57-83

  6. Legal rules variation and countries’ economic and financial performance

    Contributions to Economics (Physica-Verlag), pp. 85-119

  7. Literature review on the effect of the ease of doing business on economic and financial outcomes

    Contributions to Economics (Physica-Verlag), pp. 37-56

  8. Revisiting the legal origins hypothesis: A brief review of the literature

    Contributions to Economics (Physica-Verlag), pp. 5-20

  9. Sensitivity analyses on the effect of legal rules variation on economic and financial performance

    Contributions to Economics (Physica-Verlag), pp. 121-135

  10. The consequences of persistent inequality on social capital: A municipal-level analysis of blood donation data

    Economics Letters, Vol. 151, pp. 53-57

  11. The effectiveness of legal reforms and the gap between law on the books and the reality on the ground

    Contributions to Economics (Physica-Verlag), pp. 137-161

  12. Views Linking Colonialism with Institutions

    Contributions to Economics (Springer Science and Business Media Deutschland GmbH), pp. 13-26


  1. Análisis PANIC del desempleo español

    El trimestre económico, Núm. 331, pp. 611-646

  2. The economic consequences of the Spanish Reconquest: the long-term effects of Medieval conquest and colonization

    Journal of Economic Growth, Vol. 21, Núm. 4, pp. 409-464

  3. The economic integration of Spain: A change in the inflation pattern

    Latin American Economic Review, Vol. 25, Núm. 1


  1. A PANIC analysis on regional and sectoral inflation: the Spanish case

    Applied Economics, Vol. 47, Núm. 44, pp. 4685-4713