José Antonio
Bonet Lledós
Publications by the researcher in collaboration with José Antonio Bonet Lledós (10)
Forest and soil fungal community dynamics are fuelled by root rot pathogen-induced gaps
Forest and soil fungal community dynamics are fuelled by root rot pathogen-induced gaps
Journal of Ecology, Vol. 112, Núm. 9, pp. 1952-1966
Forest and soil fungal community dynamics are fuelled by root rot pathogen-induced gaps
Seasonal precipitation and continentality drive bimodal growth in Mediterranean forests
Dendrochronologia, Vol. 78
Associations between climate and earlywood and latewood width in boreal and Mediterranean Scots pine forests
Trees - Structure and Function, Vol. 35, Núm. 1, pp. 155-169
Insect defoliation is linked to a decrease in soil ectomycorrhizal biomass and shifts in needle endophytic communities
Tree physiology, Vol. 40, Núm. 12, pp. 1712-1725
Vinculant dinàmica de fongs, creixement d’arbres i gestió forestal als boscos de pi pinastre del PNIN de Poblet
Actes de les cinquenes Jornades sobre el Bosc de Poblet i les Muntanyes de Prades. Posar en valor la diversitat i la riquesa del patrimoni: Museu de la Vida Rural, 16 i 17 de novembre del 2018
Mushroom productivity trends in relation to tree growth and climate across different European forest biomes
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 689, pp. 602-615
Linking fungal dynamics, tree growth and forest management in a Mediterranean pine ecosystem
Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 422, pp. 223-232
Linkages between climate, seasonal wood formation and mycorrhizal mushroom yields
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, Vol. 228-229, pp. 339-348