Publications by the researcher in collaboration with Eduardo Collado (4)
Associations between climate and earlywood and latewood width in boreal and Mediterranean Scots pine forests
Trees - Structure and Function, Vol. 35, Núm. 1, pp. 155-169
Vinculant dinàmica de fongs, creixement d’arbres i gestió forestal als boscos de pi pinastre del PNIN de Poblet
Actes de les cinquenes Jornades sobre el Bosc de Poblet i les Muntanyes de Prades. Posar en valor la diversitat i la riquesa del patrimoni: Museu de la Vida Rural, 16 i 17 de novembre del 2018
Mushroom productivity trends in relation to tree growth and climate across different European forest biomes
Science of the Total Environment, Vol. 689, pp. 602-615
Linking fungal dynamics, tree growth and forest management in a Mediterranean pine ecosystem
Forest Ecology and Management, Vol. 422, pp. 223-232