Delgado Baena
Department: Trabajo Social y Servicios Sociales
Area: Social Work and Social Services
Personal web:
Doctor by the Universidad Pablo de Olavide with the thesis Derechos humanos y desarrollo local en la ciudad de Rafaela, Santa Fe, Argentina 2016. Supervised by Dr. Jesús C. Abellán Muñoz, Dr. Justo Cuño Bonito.
Social Worker and European Doctor in Human Rights and Development by the University Pablo de Olavide, as well as Master in Human Rights, Interculturality and Development by the University Pablo de Olavide and Master in Cinematography by the University of Cordoba. He has been Post Doctoral Researcher at UNIBRASiL (Brazil) and at Vancouver Island University in Canada. He has been a researcher of the Group "COMPOLÏTICAS" Communication, Politics and Social Change and currently belongs to the group "Communication and Memory" being responsible for the research line on Film and Memory, both groups of the Faculty of Communication at the University of Seville. He collaborates with different universities such as the Universidad Oberta de Catalunya, Universidad Internacional de Andalucía and the Universidad Europea Miguel de Cervantes in different degrees and postgraduate courses. His lines of research focus on international cooperation and local development, as well as the relationship between art, culture and communication in the framework of critical theories of Human Rights, focusing on cinematography. As special work experience, he collaborated with the United Nations Program in Montevideo (Uruguay) and with the Andalusian Municipalities Fund for International Solidarity and has been an evaluator of development cooperation for different agencies. He has given seminars and conferences in different international universities in Latin America, Canada and the USA.