Resolución de conflictos en las aulasun análisis desde la investigación-acción

  1. Pérez de Guzmán, Victoria
  2. Amador Muñoz, Luis Vicente
  3. Vargas Vergara, Montserrat
Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria

ISSN: 1139-1723

Year of publication: 2011

Issue Title: Infocomunicación y Educación Social

Issue: 18

Pages: 99-114

Type: Article

DOI: 10.7179/PSRI_2011.18.08 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openDialnet editor

More publications in: Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria

Sustainable development goals


The increase of aggressive and violent behaviours in the schools is a reality in the latter years characterized by deep social transfor mations. The school like institution socializadora must answer to the demands of the society. We presents in this article a study which aims centre on knowing the conflicts and violent conducts that exist in ace classrooms, on forming the teachers before this situation across the investigation-action, on applying technologies of groups to detect and to solve the above mentioned conducts, to elaborate offers of prevention of troubled conducts to favor a good educational climate and to realize concrete offers to promote the education for the conviviality. There has gathered information of a total of forty one schools for the whole Spanish territory. The sample object of study is constituted by pupils and teachers of primary and secondary. Multimethod is chosen; has used groups of discussion, questionnaires and technologies of groups in a process of investigationaction, for thinking brings over of the daily educational practice and to detect and to analyze the different troubled conducts of the student. Finish with offers to make concrete to anticipate the violent conducts and to promote the conviviality.

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