El OpVaR como medida del riesgo operacional
ISSN: 0006-6249
Datum der Publikation: 2008
Titel der Ausgabe: La internacionalización de la empresa
Ausgabe: 63
Nummer: 193
Seiten: 135-159
Art: Artikel
Andere Publikationen in: Boletín de estudios económicos
In the last few years, bank industry has suffered from important losses due to operational failures. Being aware of that, in 2004 the Basel Committee published a New Capital Accord in which financial institutions were encouraged to measure, control and manage operational risk. In this context, Value at Risk (VaR) turns into essential for market risk measurement, this time applied to operational risk and, what is more important, for estimating capital requirements (Capital at Risk). In this paper, we focused on the Operational Value at Risk (OpVaR) measure and the methodological process for its estimation by using the Aggregate Loss Distribution approach (LDA).
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