Estructura de oportunidades políticas y desarrollo cívico

  1. Navarro, Clemente J.
  2. Herrera-Gutiérrez, María Rosa
Sistema: revista de ciencias sociales

ISSN: 0210-0223

Year of publication: 2012

Issue: 228

Pages: 25-48

Type: Article

More publications in: Sistema: revista de ciencias sociales

Sustainable development goals


Opposite to hypotheses that centre the explanation of the civic activism organized in the social and cultural change, the approach of political opportunities structure (POS) focus on the institutional environment. This article tries to investigate the scope of the previous idea by means of the analysis bought from socio-political dynamics to local level. For this, we show an analytical model, it is worked operationally from the information of the international project Fiscal Austerity and Urban Innovation, and applied empirically to municipalities of Argentina, Spain and The United States. The results show the importance of the POS to local level, but also the influence of features that characterize the national and regional context.

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