Argumentos ambientales para la renovación de la Historia Agraria

  1. González de Molina, Manuel
Vínculos de Historia

ISSN: 2254-6901

Year of publication: 2012

Issue Title: El agua en la historia: usos, técnicas y debates

Issue: 1

Pages: 95-114

Type: Article

More publications in: Vínculos de Historia


Agrarian History, as it has been practiced in Spain, goes through a crisis that ought be described as a structural crisis insofar as it affects not only its contents and main theories, but also the axiological values that have maintained it until now and the social function of the discourse that it produces. This article examines the principle facts in the agrarian sector from the second half of the 20th century in order to express the existing distance between the determination to solve the old "agrarian question" of the regenerationists and the harsh reality of an unbalanced, unequal agrarian growth that has deteriorated the natural resources over what it is laid down without increasing the farmers rent or avoiding the depopulation of our countryside. As an alternative, it demands the construction of a discourse that takes as its basis the integrator approach that provides the Agroecology and that gives a new "sense", a more contemporary sense, to the historiographic work, putting in the centre of itself the search for sustainability. Correspondingly, the text ends with two examples of applied agrarian history in which the historical knowledge becomes useful knowledge for the design of sustainable agrarian systems or profits from the knowledge that Agroecology provides.

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