Perfil motor del trampolín gimnásticorevisión taxonómica y nuevas propuestas de clasificación
- Gómez-Landero, Luis Arturo
- Vernetta Santana, Mercedes
- López Bedoya, Jesús
ISSN: 1885-3137
Year of publication: 2013
Volume: 9
Issue: 31
Pages: 60-78
Type: Article
More publications in: RICYDE. Revista Internacional de Ciencias del Deporte
Aim: Characterization of the motor profile of trampoline gymnastics according to Motor Praxiology, Motor Learning and Control, Kinesiology and Biomechanics. Method: This is a qualitative, taxonomic study, reviewing the literature, and using analytic induction and structural analysis. The literature was analyzed by triangulation among participating researchers, in both the search process and in the selection of information and in the processing of the results. Results: Trampoline is a psychomotor sport, with serials skills, acyclic and self-regulated making great spatial-temporal demands. The motor actions proposed are jump, spin, rotate, rebound and landing. We differentiated 24 blocks of movements depending on the starting position, the direction of somersaults and the presence or not of twists. Muscle actions: leg drive, flexion and extension of hips, flexion and extension of shoulders and body tension. We divided the trampoline jump into 4 phases: Contact and Take-off Phase, Flight Phase of Main Performance, Flight Phase of Exit Performance, Contact and Landing Phase. Conclusions: The proposed classifications have enabled us completely and systematically to frame, define and characterize the motor profile of the trampoline as a sport, as well as to identify possible influential functional variables in athletic performance.
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