Modelado y control en vuelo estacionario de helicópteros autónomos con cable de fijación a tierra
- Luis A. Sandino 1
- Manuel Béjar 2
- Konstantin Kondak 3
- Aníbal Ollero 4
Universidad de Sevilla
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
- 3 Agencia Espacial Alemana
- 4 Centro Avanzado de Tecnologías Aeroespaciales
ISSN: 1697-7920
Year of publication: 2013
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Pages: 375-389
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista iberoamericana de automática e informática industrial ( RIAI )
Helicopters are well-known by their hovering and vertical take-off and landing capabilities. However, the performance of the valuable feature of hovering can be seriously affected by external disturbances such as wind effect. The latter could be even more significant when dealing with small-size helicopters, which are commonly adopted as base platforms for developing unmanned aerial vehicles. In order to address the aforementioned instabilities in hovering maneuvers, it is possible to use an augmented configuration that consists of the unmanned helicopter itself, a tether connecting the helicopter to the ground, and a system in charge of adjusting the tether tension. In this paper, in addition to a detailed model of the system, an analysis on the inherent benefits to the augmented configuration is presented, as well as a general scheme for control design. By way of illustration of previous ideas, several simulations under artificially generated wind influences are presented and compared.
Funding information
proyecto del Plan Nacional de I+D+i de la Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación del gobierno de Es-paña CLEAR (DPI2011-28937-C02-01) y por el proyecto de la Comisión Europea EC-SAFEMOBIL (FP7-ICT-2011-7).Funders
Secretaría de Estado de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion
- FP7-ICT-2011-7
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