Historia de la danza contemporánea en España
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 1989-9548
Argitalpen urtea: 2011
Zenbakia: 4
Orrialdeak: 17-30
Mota: Artikulua
Beste argitalpen batzuk: Arte y movimiento: revista interdisciplinar del Departamento de didáctica de la expresión musical, plástica y corporal
The aim of this article is to put in context the contemporary dance inside the arts, which needs to revise his history, how is born, since it diversifies between America and Europe and finally to see the way of getting in Spain, or on the contrary, as Spain it influences the dance the rest of the world. We try to give an austere and trustworthy introduction to who they want to use the dance as didactic resource in his classes, or simply as complete information. One has tried to check until 2009, observing the scanty of the quantity of the above mentioned documentation. It is important also to demythologize the widespread concept of originality or of invention and across this article we will be able to see how the succession of appearance of technologies and styles has a conductive thread and a why, being the classic dance the origin of all the contemporary or modern dances of the world.
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