Turnaround strategies for companies in crisiswatch out the causes of decline before firing people
Universidad de Sevilla
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 2340-9444, 2340-9436
Year of publication: 2017
Volume: 20
Issue: 3
Pages: 206-211
Type: Article
More publications in: Business Research Quarterly
When a company goes into crisis,the first and mosttypical response is the dismissal of people, even before considering the sources of the decline. Although the reduction of costs may seem a quick and reasonable measure in this context, downsizing is not the only possibility, nor the most advisable response when facing decline. In turn, by identifying and understanding the sources of decline in time, a company may want to decide on human resource (HR) alternatives to layoffs. This research shows how the HR responses of declining companies should be in line with the sources of the decline. Adopting a configurational perspective, we propose a model of analysis that links sources of decline, turnaround strategy, and HR strategy (HRS) and practices. This model identifies four basic HRS for organizations in decline, according to its sources: flexibility-oriented, efficiency-oriented, niche-oriented, and maintenance-oriented HRS.
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