Alumnos de nuevo ingreso en ingeniería:un análisis de competencias matemáticas básicas

  1. Tenorio Villalón, Ángel Francisco
  2. Ana M. Martín Caraballo 1
  3. Sergio Bermudo Navarrete 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España
Epsilon: Revista de la Sociedad Andaluza de Educación Matemática "Thales"

ISSN: 1131-9321 2340-714X

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Zenbakia: 89

Orrialdeak: 79-89

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Epsilon: Revista de la Sociedad Andaluza de Educación Matemática "Thales"


In this work we present a descriptive statistical analysis of the results that undergraduate student at the Informatics Engineering Degree at Pablo de Olavide University obtained when the solved the questions proposed in an initial exam at the beginning of the academic year, where some basic questions in mathematics were asked to the students in order to obtain some information about their basic mathematic skills level that they had got in the high school. As well as, in the middle of the school year, in the beginning of the second term a new control test was conducted in order to see the evolution of our students after finishing the first term of some subjects as Algebra or Calculus.

Erreferentzia bibliografikoak

  • Martín, A.M., Huertas, J.M. y Domínguez, M. (2007). La evaluació WebQuestions. Rect@ Vol Actas_15, 616-627.
  • Tenorio, A.F. y Oliver, E. (2012). Matemáticas sin exámenes finales: Evaluación continua basada en la tutorización personalizada del alumnado. Unión: Revista Iberoamericana de Educación Matemática, 29, 35-57.