Factores de éxito de CRM: Un estudio exploratorio en el sector bancario español
- Jesus Cambra Fierro
- Ana Olavarría Jaraba
- Edgar Centeno
- Rosario Vázquez Carrasco
ISSN: 1698-5117
Year of publication: 2014
Issue: 43
Pages: 144-167
Type: Article
More publications in: Universia Business Review
Strong competitive pressures demand organizations to generate and deliver higher levels of value to clients than those offered by competitors. For this reason, it is necessary to know perfectly well each one of the clients and to be capable of putting forward an adaptable offer to every single client. As such, Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has won center stage in the organizational literature. This study intends to analyze the impact of a group of technological and non-technological factors on the success of CRM. Once analyzed, results clearly indicate that in the reality of the Spanish bank sector, other factors such as a humanresources management orientation or specific knowledge on CRM impact more on the success of the CRM. At the end, discussions of the main implications of this study are presented
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