Prestar servicios culturalmente sensiblesun desafío en sociedades complejas

  1. Manuela Ángela Fernández Borrero
  2. Octavio Vázquez Aguado
  3. Fernando Relinque Medina
Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios (RIEM)

ISSN: 2173-1950

Año de publicación: 2018

Volumen: 8

Número: 1

Páginas: 142-170

Tipo: Artículo


Otras publicaciones en: Revista Internacional de Estudios Migratorios (RIEM)


Introduction: Culturally diverse societies represent a challenge for institutions and professionals who provide services because they require appropriate intervention and intercultural management that involve changes and adjustments. This research, focused on the field of social intervention, studies the professional intercultural intervention in public social services and the third sector from the experience of professionals from three European countries. Method: A total of 27 people from different nationalities and residents in Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom have participated in this study. These are professionals of social services, both public entities and those of the third Sector and whose training is in social work, social education or psychology. The sample has been selected by accesibility, using the "snowball” technique. The instrument used has been an in-depth interview. All the interviews were transcribed and analysed with AtlasTi 6.1. Results: The result shows a graphical representation composed of 47 codes or nodes that show the relationships between the different elements of analysis present in the study of the social professional intervention in contexts of cultural diversity. These nodes are related with the intervention itself but also with abilities, values and difficulties. Discussion and/or Conclusion: Qualitative analysis has made it possible to reinforce the relevance of some important questions for professional practice, emphasising the importance of knowledge for the proper praxis as well as the contact and the attitude of cultural understanding, from the respect and key skills like communication and listening. It must be accompanied by the emotional or affective component that plays a prominent role in this type of interventions and professions.

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