El saqueo de salticity. Diseño e intervención a través de un programa gamificado para el desarrollo del salto.

  1. Vázquez Ramos, Francisco Javier 1
  2. Cenizo Benjumea, José Manuel 1
  3. Otero Saborido, Fernando Manuel 1
  4. Gálvez González, Javier
  1. 1 Profesor Universidad Pablo de Olavide. España
EmásF: revista digital de educación física

ISSN: 1989-8304

Year of publication: 2021

Issue: 72

Pages: 86-107

Type: Article

More publications in: EmásF: revista digital de educación física


The development of motor skills and muscle strength is associated with better health. Multiarticular exercises, such as plyometrics with jumps whose resistance is body weight, are an ideal method for the development of strength and basic motor skills of the jump. Physical education classes are a good setting for the development of these abilities. For this reason, an attractive and motivating context that encourages curiosity and captures the attention of students will play in favor of the learning and development of these skills. The objective of the work was to design, with the help of a group of experts, a gamified program for grades 3-6 of Primary, based on the EduGame model, called "The Sacking of Salticity" and whose main purpose is to improve jumping. The proposal is made up of: an Aesthetics with a setting, a commitment, a purpose of the game and a game board; Mechanics to advance the purpose related to the regulation, content block and the control of the students; some Components through some points and badges; Some Dynamics in relation to the purpose of cooperative learning and autonomy, each student deciding how to progress. According to the design process, it can be affirmed that the gamified program "Salticity" (PGS) is valid to be able to be replicated in educational environments with similar characteristics.

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