La enigmática dramaturgia de gyp. El legado feminista de una escritora silenciada y su recepción traductológica en el contexto hispano

  1. García Fuentes, Raquel
Supervised by:
  1. Jordi Luengo López Director

Defence university: Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Fecha de defensa: 10 September 2020

  1. Lydia Vázquez Jiménez Chair
  2. Juan Manuel Ibeas Altamira Secretary
  3. Evelyne Ricci Committee member
  4. Ignacio Ramos Gay Committee member
  5. Anne Aubry Committee member
  1. Filología y Traducción

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 625674 DIALNET


ABSTRACT From the last twenty years of the 19th century until the beginning of the next one, a great number of plays would be performed in the French scene and beyond by the French writer Sibylle Gabrielle Marie-Antoinette de Riquetti de Mirabeau, better known as Gyp. Novelist even in the eyes of her own country, the lack of narration that can be found in most of her work, which could be called nothing other than “theatrical prose”, confirms that the potential dramatization of her texts remains key in their creation. Paradoxically, both this theatrical production and her novels, endowed with an obvious feminist consciousness, would fade into oblivion over the years. Therefore, the dispraised theater of Gyp and its reception in the Hispanic context will thus be the main research areas of our study, whose themes will be interpreted from a gender perspective.