Epistemología feminista de la conciliación: una propuesta práctica para miradas y mujeres en transición

  1. Laura Martínez Jiménez 1
  1. 1 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

    Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

    Madrid, España

    ROR https://ror.org/01v5cv687


ISSN: 1696-8166 1989-9998

Any de publicació: 2022

Número: 39

Pàgines: 181-210

Tipus: Article

DOI: 10.14198/FEM.2022.39.07 DIALNET GOOGLE SCHOLAR lock_openRUA editor

Altres publicacions en: Feminismo/s

Objectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible


This essay claims the relevance of a feminist epistemological practice of conciliation, capable of bringing together modern and postmodern sensibilities and works. This conciliatory gaze makes it possible to address the relationships between the macro-structural, meso-institutional and micro-incarnate dimensions of women’s lives in their broad complexity, as well as to go through the current debates on the (in)validity of the categories of gender and woman. To this end, Sandra Harding’s Standpoint Theory, a paradigm of the new feminist epistemology and the focus of scientific and political discrepancies between feminisms themselves, is taken as a starting point. Based on Harding’s proposal, a critical analysis is made of the feminist tensions that this theory raises. These tensions point to certain essentialist and universalist risks and, at the same time, to possible individualist or relativist drifts. It is then suggested that this Standpoint Theory should meet with a postmodern approach that would make it more complex and update it in the eyes of current feminist discussions. From this postmodern standpoint, a series of amendments are proposed to refine the feminist epistemological gaze: to confront the single narrative about women from their diverse experiences; to explore the different embodied experiences to connect and analyse them in context, that is, subjected to structural power relations; to replace automatic epistemic privilege with a critical and argued preference for women’s experiences and narratives; and, finally, to value the experiences and stories of the researcher to guide the study and, also, to expose the privileges and limitations of their own point of view.

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