Relación y efectos de un entrenamiento basado en fortalezas personales sobre la salud y el rendimiento académico en adolescentes

Supervised by:
  1. Ana García León Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 28 June 2021

  1. Humbelina Robles Ortega Chair
  2. Jose María Augusto Landa Secretary
  3. David Sánchez Teruel Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 703681 DIALNET


The present study is focused on the adolescent population. Specifically, this research aims to discover the relationship, direct or indirect, that occurs between optimism and personal strengths, academic performance and health, controlling for extraversion and neuroticism as possible mediating variables. This objective will be the object of the first study of this Thesis. In a second study, an intervention program based on training in optimism and other strengths will be applied in adolescents and its differential efficacy will be compared with respect to another training program based on training in social skills and stress reduction to improve health. health and performance. The participating population will be adolescents between the ages of 13 and 16, all of them ESO students in various public centers in the province of Jaén. Optimism and other strengths are expected to predict better physical and psychological health and better academic performance in these adolescents. Likewise, a training program focused on the development of other strengths and a more optimistic explanatory style is expected to be better than another training program for improving the health and performance of the adolescent population.