La presentación en grupo como método de asimilación de rasgos culturales del inglés como Lengua Extranjerarefuerzo de destrezas orales y de evaluación colectiva
- Amor Almedina, María Isabel (dir.)
- Luengo Almena, Juan Luis (dir.)
- Martínez Atienza, María (dir.)
Publisher: Atrio
ISBN: 978-84-15275-50-3
Year of publication: 2016
Pages: 29-37
Type: Book chapter
The aim ofthis work is to presenta methodology that is been developed in the English Text Analysis and Production & Intercultural Education of the English Specialty of the Degree in Primary Education in the University of Seville. The method is based on student cooperation self-correction and group assessment. lts main objective is to familiarize students in cultural aspects iufiuencing English language, which are fundamental for acquiring depth knowledge of the cultural system of tbe country whose language are stndying· in the case the United Kingdom. Stqdent groups of 3 to 4 members were establishcd and a topic re lated to the UK was assigned to eacb group. The topics assigned were the fo llowing: Geography, History, Política! System. Educative Syslem, Judicia1y ystem Economy, Language, Traditions Music &Folklore, and the role ofthe UK i11 the European Union. Each group choses a topic and has to create a slide presentation. The pre entation hould include an index an abstract and a comparison with the Spanish system. Presentations were done in the classroom. Once it was explained, the rest of the students collectively assess the presentation. Strong points, good practices and suggestions for improvement are encouraged. This working system is offering very encouraging results regarcfu1g self-learning and peer-as e >sment, at the same time is an opportunity for students to improve their English oral skills.