Perspectiva y experiencia del alumnado universitario durante la Covid-19
- Torres Barzabal, Luisa 1
- Hermosilla Rodríguez, José Manuel 1
- Jaén Martínez, Alicia 1
- Martínez Gimeno, Almudena 1
Universidad Pablo de Olavide
ISSN: 1697-5200, 2172-3427
Year of publication: 2023
Volume: 21
Issue: 2
Pages: 259-277
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista de investigación en educación
After the huge and sudden change in the teaching-learning methodology at the University that the pandemic generated, we thought it necessary to study the perspective of the students on this experience. We carried out an exploratory survey from a qualitative approach, following an inductive logic of construction of categories from the data, with a sample of 67 students. Categories: personal sphere, positioning with respect to the institution, the teaching staff and ICT. For such analysis, we used the software Atlas.ti (Version 8.4). In conclusion, to improve similar situations, it is essential to include accompaniment and emotional support, in addition to reinforcing their resources and technological skills.
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