Los deportes de naturaleza y la gestión de las empresas de turismo activo en la provincia de CórdobaUn estudio empírico desde la percepción y comportamiento de la oferta

  1. Francisco Molina Navarro 1
  2. Manuel Rivera Mateos 1
  3. María Genoveva Millán Vázquez de la Torre 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Córdoba

    Universidad de Córdoba

    Córdoba, España

    ROR https://ror.org/05yc77b46

El turismo en Córdoba: escenarios, tendencias y perspectivas : libro homenaje a los profesores José María Manjavacas Ruiz y Martín Torres Márquez (in memoriam)
  1. Rivera Mateos, Manuel (dir.)
  2. Manjavacas Ruiz, José María (hom.)
  3. Torres Márquez, Martín (hom.)

Publisher: UCOPress ; Universidad de Córdoba

ISBN: 978-84-9927-601-4

Year of publication: 2021

Pages: 157-186

Type: Book chapter


This paper analyzes the behaviors and perception of active tourism companies that oernature sports and other outdoor physical-sports activities in an emerging tourist destination ininland areas. rough a survey of the total registered business oer, with more than 30 variablesof analysis such as the training of resources and training of human resources, business vision ofdemand, marketing and promotion strategies or prospects of supply trends, a quantitative-qualitative empirical study is carried out with the complementary support of in-depth interviews withqualied actors, the specic exploitation of ocial registry sources, a focus group and a SWOTanalysis. e results show us a disjointed network of SMEs, functionally isolated from the restof the tourism oer, with somewhat intuitive and poorly market-oriented behaviors due to poormanagement of their customer base, which makes it dicult to take advantage of key strategicassets for increasing business protability and achieving a competitive and sustainable advantage