Diseño e implementación de un material en realidad aumentada para la formación en educación secundaria
- Eloy López Meneses Director
Universidade de defensa: Universidad Pablo de Olavide
Fecha de defensa: 08 de xullo de 2022
Tipo: Tese
ABSTRACT To give continuity to the development agenda after the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the United Nations Organization (UN) launches a global appeal: the Sustainable Development Goals (2015-2030) (SDGs). These are 17 objectives divided into 169 targets where, in addition to the new challenges of climate change, economic inequality, innovation, sustainable consumption, peace and justice, education continues to be considered a priority. Objective 4 of the SDGs is presented as a challenge of great social impact that has a clear humanistic and moral perspective, where it is aimed to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all, and in which the citizenship must be involved (De la Rosa and Carrascal, 2020). The technological advances of our current times are a fundamental support in all aspects of human life (Chicaiza-Vinueza et al., 2022). The pandemic and the health emergency situation due to Covid-19 have transformed our educational system, from models strongly focused on an information-transmitting conception and on face-to-face teacher-student, to a model strongly focused and mediated by technology. This has been a great challenge for all the actors involved in education since distance training breaks with three variables of face-to-face education: unity of time, space and action (Cabero-Almenara, 2020). Likewise, it has promoted a series of socio-technological resources that allow students to obtain the necessary skills at all educational levels. In turn, new models of knowledge construction are emerging based on emerging theories that do not focus exclusively on formal education, but rather propose a new ecology of learning based on the ubiquity of learning experiences that are favored by digital technologies (Marimon-Martí et al., 2022). Similarly, teachers must adapt to the new social demands, because restricting the possibility of using information and communication technologies to the educational community, regardless of their specific needs, can imply an impoverishment in training of an inclusive and global citizenship (López-Meneses, 2020). At this crossroads, in accordance with González-Pérez and Cerezo-Cortijo (2020), Augmented Reality, with its ability to build bridges between the real and the virtual, opens up new opportunities to build attractive learning environments in times of pandemic. The organizational structure of this Doctoral Thesis follows the established guidelines in current studies in which the approach of the study is carried out based on the theoretical framework of the research. The research work is made up of five chapters, a section linked to the appendices and the edublog of the doctoral thesis (simplified version). Blog access URL: https://tesisdavidrealidadaumentadamachetmec.blogspot.com/ In the first chapter the justification, problems and its global structure are exposed. In this sense, the research work starts from the following problem: “Design a Didactic Unit in Augmented Reality linked to secondary education in the subject of Technology. And, on the other hand, to evaluate/assess the level of curricular competence and the motivation of the students related to the use of these new immersive educational resources” From this didactic point of view, this doctoral thesis is limited to three General Objectives: ─ G.O.1. Design and develop an augmented didactic material: Matechmec© based on Augmented Reality for secondary school students in the subject of Technology. ─ G.O.2. Implement teaching material based on augmented technology for secondary school students to assess whether there is an improvement in learning the curricular content and in student motivation. ─ G.O.3. Offer an immersive environment on Augmented Reality open to the scientific community and citizenship. The second chapter corresponds to the theoretical framework of the study and begins with the description and analysis of information and communication technologies for the sustainable development of learning ecologies. Once this introduction has been made, an assessment of Augmented Reality is carried out as an innovative didactic resource in educational classrooms through a conceptual approach to the term Augmented Reality, describing its levels, its possibilities in ubiquitous learning scenarios and immersive educational resources relevant to its use in educational ecosystems. Ultimately, the chapter exposes different digital applications in augmented learning environments that allow teaching materials to be made with augmented reality and examples of materials already made. In the third chapter, the methodological scenario of the research is carried out. Specifically, this exploratory study is based on a multi-method, mixed, eclectic and holistic approach, using the quantitative and qualitative perspective in a strategy of complementarity and convergence of knowledge and comprehensive analysis of the phenomenon studied: the assessment of the increase in the level of competence of students through the use of immersive teaching materials and the motivation towards the use of this type of augmented materials. This research structure will allow to proceed to the methodological triangulation for a greater comprehensive richness of the studied phenomenon. A non-experimental educational research is presented, focused on the phenomena in their natural environment to later analyze them (Hernández-Sampieri et al., 2010). The five phases of research design are outlined below. In the first phase, the design of the emerging didactic resource is made, the second phase focuses on the validation of this material through a Delphi study (two rounds) by people who are experts in said didactic material, in the third phase a piloting of the Matechmec© material in its final version is carried out with the objective to identify any issue not reflected in the Delphi study and in the fourth phase of the research process, the immersive educational material is implemented, specifically, the design of a didactic unit with students of 3rd year of secondary education in the subject of technology in the second term of the academic year 2020-21 taught for a total of 12 class sessions. The last phase of the research process focuses on the collection and interpretation of the data obtained from the evaluations of the immersive educational material, on the one hand at the level of acquisition of skills by the students, and on the other hand the motivation achieved against the use of non-immersive teaching materials. For this purpose, a data collection has been designed focused on the one hand, on a pretest-posttest knowledge task carried out on a control group and on an intervention group and, on the other hand, on a motivation questionnaire towards the use of augmented materials. In the fourth chapter, the results obtained in the previous phases are presented, for this, in relation to phase 1 of the design of the augmented didactic material, it is described the process carried out in relation to the proposed design phases and, the guidelines marked in the CUVALIERA® Questionnaire (educational instrument for evaluating electronic educational books of Augmented Reality) and also the guidelines described by Barroso-Osuna and Cabero-Almenara (2017). Subsequently, the validation phase of the material is detailed, through a Delphi study (two rounds). The third section of this chapter analyzes the piloting carried out related to the Matechmec© educational material. Finally, the implementation of the definitive version augmented resource is specified, along with its edublog: https://www.matechmec.net/, in the chosen target groups; the results of the students' knowledge questionnaire through a pretest-posttest and the students' motivation, based on the adaptation of the Keller questionnaire (2010) on motivation towards the use of materials in Augmented Reality and, the edublog of the Thesis is exposed in order to achieve the international scientific dissemination of the study. In the last part of the study, the research reflections obtained from the instrumentalization applied by the reference framework of the starting hypothesis are rigorously exposed. Finally, the conclusions are perceived in relation to the objectives proposed in the research study, its limitations and prospective lines of innovative action, sponsored by the EduEmer techno-educational institutional chair, in line with this study presented. Ultimately, we believe it is necessary not to ignore these immersive technologies and their use in the educational classrooms because they can be used as new ways to convey learning and allow the acquisition of necessary skills among students for their academic development and suitable professional future (Blas-Padilla et al., 2019, 2022).