Actores externos, turismo y crisis rural. Reflexiones desde la Sierra de Huelva (Andalucía)

  1. José Manuel Álvarez Montoya 1
  1. 1 Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Universidad Pablo de Olavide

    Sevilla, España


Gazeta de antropología

ISSN: 0214-7564 2340-2792

Argitalpen urtea: 2024

Zenbakien izenburua: Crisis rurales en España. Comunidad, Estado y mercado

Zenbakia: 40

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Gazeta de antropología


The contemporary rural world is now a cosmopolitan environment where natives and new residents with diverse profiles and motivations coexist. However, the reality of these rural environments extends further, receiving influence from individuals (external actors) who, although not living in the rural context, participate in its economic activities and may influence its functioning. These processes challenge the rural world as a reality led by local residents, which should not be overlooked in the analysis of Community-based tourism (CBT) and rural crisis. This study explores, through two case studies located in the Sierra de Huelva, the influence of external actors on the configuration of CBT. From here, we can reflect on how these actors impact the configuration of the tourism model and how this affects the rural crisis.